SCRJI’s executive director Aparna Polavarapu has been chosen by TEDxTufts to be part of the exciting lineup of speakers presenting at this year’s event. The three-day conference is an independently organized TED event put on each year by students at Tufts University, and will take place virtually on April 9-11, 2021. Aparna will be talking about conceptions of restorative justice in a talk entitled “Leaving Punishment Behind: Embracing New Ideas of Justice.” The Modjeska Monteith Simkins House in Columbia, SC serves as the backdrop for this talk. We would like to thank Historic Columbia for making filming possible and for upholding the legacy and mission of Modejska Monteith Simkins through their educational and preservational work.
Visit TEDxTufts.com to purchase tickets to this years event and to learn more about the conference’s mission and purpose.
Visit HistoricColumbia.org to learn about the legacy of Modjeska Monteith Simkins as a champion for justice, and to support Historic Columbia in preserving sites of Columbia’s Black history.

Image credit: TEDx Tufts